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Middle School


Our middle school class is blended to meet students academic needs where they are and not where a standardized curriculum places them. An individualized curriculum is designed through a planning session, where the student, parent, and teachers discuss the best way to meet all the instructional needs of the student. 


Middle school students engage in collaborative activities, by working closely with their classmates to complete project based learning activities. Students in this age group need an interactive and engaging program that will assist them in developing a growth mindset and sense of accomplishment.  

Core Class Information: 


Reading serves as a basis for almost all areas of learning and as student begin their next chapter in education, 3 Oaks Academy wants to ensure they have a solid foundation to build upon. Students will use a variety of grade level texts encompassing a range of complexity to study four main areas of reading: comprehension of informational and narrative text, reading and vocabulary strategies. While reading, our students will learn how to interact with text by tracking their mind moves to enhance their ability to analyze, evaluate and create complex ideas for exploration. Readers will look at text from multiple points of view to develop abstract and multi-faceted ideas. Students will learn how to apply effective communication and conversation skills to articulate their thinking and reference evidence to support it. With the integration of reading and writing, students will gain command of writing extensive written responses to text.


Mathematicians at 3 Oaks Academy experience mathematics through direct instruction, real-life connections, math journals, mini lessons, and hands-on learning.  Student progress is monitored daily and decisions for mini lesson topics are based on specific classroom needs. Our middle school mathematicians read articles that focus on the application of mathematics in real life situations, then they solve a variety of math problems relating to the article they read. The Math magazine allows students the chance to spiral their learning, so important mathematical concepts such as ratios, fractions, percentages, and statistics stay fresh and at the forefront of the students conceptual understanding. Problem solving skills are developed and honed through weekly Making Math Meaningful activities, while students writing skills are developed through journaling and Math Talks. We believe that learning is not always linear, but encompasses multiple academic disciplines within essential components. 


Scientists begin learning science through inquiry and lab based instruction, which allows students to start to develop a sense of scientific application. Students are expected to record observations and create data tables while conducting experiments. Responding to labs through data recording, data analyzation and developing conclusion is an important step in preparing for their high school science experiences. Scientists will be exposed to various scientific concepts, including: 

  • Asking questions (for science) and defining problems (for engineering).

  • Developing and using models.

  • Planning and carrying out investigations.

  • Analyzing and interpreting data.

  • Using mathematics, information and computer technology, and computational thinking.

  • Constructing explanations (for science) and designing solutions (for engineering).

  • Engaging in argument from evidence.

  • Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information.


Social Studies: 

3 Oaks Academy students will use the skills of historical and geographical analysis to explore the early history of Florida, the United States and the World, while developing an understanding of ideas and events that strengthened world regions. Students will utilize scholarly articles to learn fundamental concepts in civics, economics, and geography as they pursue their study of history in chronological sequence. Historians will pursue their individual interests in the topics taught as they participate in a variety of hands-on activities, group conversations discussing high-level topics through critical thinking and complete projects while in class. 


In order to become a good writer, it is important to write frequently. Our students will learn how to live a writerly life by keeping a writer’s notebook. Across the year, they will learn many different types of entries and are required to write several entries a week to build their writing stamina, as well as practice crafting techniques they are learning about in their genre studies. Middle School English activities reach all discipline areas: reading analytically, writing effectively, conducting research, speaking and listening purposefully and using technology and digital mediate strategically and capably. Through our interdisciplinary approach, students will develop and practice these essential skills through creating high-quality, authentic products and presentations in multiple subject areas. 



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