Critical Thinking
At 3 Oaks Academy, we believe it is important to teach students to be an active, effective thinker across knowledge domains by instructing them in how to activate schema, interact with the surface level of text, and delve deep into the underlying structure. Understanding how to be metacognitive is at the heart of our instructional practices and students will learn and apply many different strategies to monitor their thinking. There is a wide array of thinking processes that will be taught, practiced and transferred across courses through our unique cross-curricular approach to high school. Both critical and creative thinking skills and strategies will be taught simultaneously and practiced in coursework daily.
Students will study learning styles and philosophies, examine how their own mind approaches and processes information, how to utilize their strengths to their fullest potential, as well as continuously building areas to grow in. Time will be spent on understanding intellectual and emotional intelligence and how to grow their skill set in each area. Students will explore multiple ways to acquire knowledge, best storing practices to match their learning style and techniques for retrieving information. At this stage in their educational journey, we will work with students to develop time management and organizational skills to help them become independent learners. Across the year, students will be learning about the Growth Mindset by world-renowned Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck to assist them in all areas of their lives.
Test Taking Skills and Strategies
3 Oaks Academy offers a Test Taking Skills and Strategy course to prepare for the Postsecondary Education Readiness Test (PERT) to be taken later this year.
The Postsecondary Education Readiness Test (PERT) is Florida’s common placement test used by all members of the Florida College System. It is a multiple choice, computer-adaptive test providing assessment in three areas: reading, writing and math. Colleges in Florida use PERT to assess academic skills, verify college readiness and determine course placement.
The P.E.R.T minimum test scores to be placed in college level classes are generally as follows:
Reading - 106
Writing - 103
Math – 114
3 Oaks Academy offers 18 hours of test prep to our students covering areas of: purpose of the assessment, test design, content areas assessed, tips and strategies, practice test questions and variety of recommended resources for students to use for practice. Students will be expected to take practice tests on their own time, so that class time will be used for direct instruction on the topics mentioned above. We will also go over how to register for the test, as well as how to become a Dual Enrolled student. This is a plan for many of our students once they enter the 11th grade.